Events in 1908 - Deakin's Prayers 18

Cr Bourke Street and Elizabeth St looking south to Flinders St Station 1920
Deakin was coming to the end of his second term as Prime Minister in 1908 while the American Great White Fleet were visiting Australia. This was a time of new inventions like radio, air flight, automobiles and oil. The same year Wilber Wright was showing off the miracle of flight in France and Henry Ford was revealing his first Model T while Oil was being discovered in the Middle East. A radio message is sent to Tasmania and from the Eiffel Tower for the very first time and Shackleton and Douglas Mawson are exploring the Antarctic.
The name Gandhi is being heard for the first time in South Africa as he is arrested for standing up for Indian rights. Its the time of Harry Houdini and Mark Twain in America while in Australia Women Suffrage laws are past. The national capital location is decided and Alfred Deakin's close friend David Syme passes away.