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Deakin's dreams of Dying - Prayer 17

Around 1890 Deakin had a dream or premonition that he was going to die. It concerned him enough that at the age of 34, 8 years after being married he wrote a letter to his children in case he passed away. In the letter he leaves instructions to his three girls on how they are to grow up. "In the event of my death...I desire that my children be brought up religiously, but as far as possible apart from sectarianism - in the knowledge and love of God, as the fountain of all life and love and power... By whom Our prayers are always heard...Of the ultimate triumph of his supreme power there can be no doubt of the absolute purity and mercifulness of his divine will there can be no question" Alfred Deakin 7th September 1890 . (quote from Deakin's 9 page letter to Stella, Ivy and Vera Deakin)

Alfred Deakin, with Pattie and Ivy Deakin far right

with Brookes family at Point Lonsdale in 1915.

Deakin prayer on 6th September 1890 In the middle of serious riots during the Wharf Strike of 1890.

"God have mercy upon us and guide us through the toilsome ways of strife and discord. Thou hast been pleased to protect us and compose our bitterness’s under a surface of order. Oh God beneficent and mighty, establish that order upon sure foundations all the world over and in this continent enable it to be based in liberty and peace. Let us raise the worker with hand and the worker with brain to lives pure, wholesome and peaceful and build of their true lives a noble State as a temple to Thee and Thy glory in humanity. Let us be as Thy children obedient, trusting, loving one another. In thanks and praise I cry for light and power to enable me to fulfill unflinchingly my part of this great task"

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