"Deakin's gaze was constantly lifted above the happenings of the day and directed towards the future. He was one of the most gifted long sighted statesmen of his age"".
Alfred Deakin was a great man, the more you learn about him the more you realise how great he was.
The world remembers men like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Winston Churchill as great leaders and statesmen. But there is another name that stands as tall as these and that name is Alfred Deakin.
Deakin was not one who needed titles or recognition, he often would recommend others before himself and this fact explains why he is not known as Sir or Lord because he declined the offer of these titles preferring only to be known as "Mr Deakin".
"The Adelaide Advertiser Saturday Edition - 29th July 1939".
It takes a unique man or women to reject recognition and titles; that person displays humility, character and a strong understanding of their God given identity.
Alfred Deakin had all these qualities and more.

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