Deakin fourth prayer 17-8-1884

"O God teach me to pray and to realise the true nature of prayer. There is nothing that Thou canst' grant me so precious as thine inspiration. Within me is the reality of things as it is with the universe upon which I look. Make that pure, holy and serene and as far as there can be happiness in self the world shall not touch me and I shall be in perfect peace.
The discords there are the only discords I can dread. There is for me the devil and all his angels. Mine also the hosts of Thy ministers struggling for my salvation. From without come rumors, disquietudes, temptations, and failing of heart and from without also hope, confidence, strength and the trumpet tongues of Thy messengers.
But all meet within - there is the battle of life - there is my fate decided and there I must fail miserably if I find not Thee. I pray O God for no earthly gift whatever it be Thy will that I should endure I am contented. I would say also Thy will be done in what shall please Thee to give me in the way of spiritual gifts. But yet I cry for light. I cry for sympathy. I cry for assistance - because it is Thy will that I should cry.
But I cry only for Thy Spirit and from my spirit and continue crying O God teach me to pray."God teach me to pray - give me the impulse to prayer, give me the sense of Thy nearness, give me that insight into Thy nature which shall quicken me to faith, give me the feeling of absolute isolation from the world and from my lower self that I may realise and reap the fruits of communion with Thee."